GIFT was successful in seeking funding to help a community sharing its expertise.The Community Action Leadership Mentoring  (CALM) project had its launch event on the 7th of April 2017.  They hosted community experts, professional businesses in various disciplines including Arts and Media, Business and Leadership, Health, and a lot more…

The aim of this project is to set up a Community Action, Leadership and Mentoring Scheme (CALM). This will enable participants to be trained as Community Coach and Mentors to support young adults specifically women to be proactively involved in developing activities that will increase their employability and become more active community citizens. The Community Coaches and Mentors will develop programmes to help increase their participation in positive and motivational aspirations, and engaging them to develop entrepreneurial activities, increase their social capital.

The personal development workshops were co-designed, developed and managed collaboratively between young people and local community business owners that will pass on valuable skills and knowledge to make impacting change.

A key workshop was delivered by Tiki Black.   Tiki enthralled her audience with a taste of her musical compositions mixed with her passion for Arts and Technology.

Arts and Media are more than entertainment, they are a way to empower people. As a music professional, I create, perform and release songs, broadcast music and publish articles as motivational and inspirational tools. My workshops provide an insight into music and the music business for aspiring professionals and music lovers alike. ( As a digital consultant, I harness the rise of the digital to support the personal and professional development of the next generations. The government needs about a million more digital professionals by 2023! Becoming one or even acquiring digital skills gives a noticeable edge and transferable skills. My workshops help to become the difference in the digital world.

The workshops and activities aimed to help participants to pool their resources, skills and experience to become more proactive active citizens and community leaders to address issues affecting their community/neighborhoods.

There will be further workshops delivered during the summer.

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