Digital Inclusion Project 2

Project Name: Digital Project 2

Project Dates: March 2021 to March 2022One Manchester - Digital Inclusion Project 2

Project Funded by: One Manchester

Digital Inclusion Project 2 Overview

This funding helped to sustain current services and refocus services to address more immediate beneficiary needs by expanding our services to meet the increased demand for health and well-being activities. We have found that since COVID-19 there are limited services in Manchester that are catering for the specific needs in particular those of African and Caribbean communities, who have been disproportionately impacted with their mental health.  The funding enables us to provide some culturally specific support services offering counselling, community support groups, and intergenerational activities.

We are currently working with MEaP (Making Education a Priority), Just Psychology, and Young Manchester to collaborate in response to supporting young people and their families to develop a virtual community of intergenerational work.  There has been some added anxiety within B.A.M.E communities caused by the overrepresentation in the cases and deaths from the coronavirus.  There is some collective approach to offering culturally appropriate and effective mental health support to help reduce the long-term impact on B.A.M.E communities.

We developed an offer in collaboration with other local VCSE organisations and schools that address the increased levels of psycho-social distress as early as possible and provide support for Black and minority ethnic children and parents with homeschooling.  Our partners already provide emotional health and wellbeing groups for children and parents across Manchester as well as parent workshops on specific themes such as anxiety and low mood.

Outcomes the Digital Inclusion Project 2 Aims to Achieve

This will help to achieve the following outcomes.

  • Increased emotional resilience, coping mechanisms, and protective factors.
  • Improved self-esteem, self-image, social presentation, and identity
  • Improved participation, engagement, and interest in activities
  • Improved relationships and social engagement
  • Reduced numbers of children requiring specialist services
  • Reduction in behavioural difficulties at home
  • Improved academic performance and attainment.

Editor’s notes

See also – Funding Digital Inclusion Project 1 for our continual digital inclusion efforts.

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