GIFT Academy celebrates its 20th anniversary!
Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT) was funded in 2003 with the idea of supporting young people, adults, and families, who may be without the financial means to find such quality advice for themselves.
GIFT is now celebrating 20 years of helping Young People to move out of the proverbial box. Here are some numbers that tell our story.
To achieve its aims, Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT) runs timely projects tailored to the needs identified in our target area. Projects run for as long as 5 years depending on the needs.
The primary Project Areas GIFT supports, as shown by the pie chart below, span, in descending order of support: Employability, Sports Health and Wellbeing, Leadership, Numeracy and Literacy, Transferable skills, Culture, Digital, Sports Leadership and last but not least, Brand Awareness. While we categorise our projects, many of them span multiple categories as they help to achieve a breadth of outcomes.

GIFT Academy Partners
GIFT could not have done all this work in all these years without its treasured partnership, including funding bodies, networking partners, consortium partners, staff and volunteers.
Funding Bodies
- National Lottery Community Fund 21%
- National Lottery Reaching Communities 15%
- BBC Children in Needs 9%
- Manchester City Council 8%
Lives Changed
We are proud of our personalised service care that means focus on quality not quantity. Many of our learners have become volunteers.
I started on the Young Roots Project because I started with GIFT on the BEET Project which is a Business Project. I then got nominated for a Bursary and won it, through Sir Robert McCalpine. I said to Henry and Jackie ‘you have done so much for me I want to volunteer and that’s how I got involved.